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Notice and Invetation to Attend the Annual General Meeting

The Board of Directors of Oman Refreshment Company (SAOG) is pleased to invite the Company’s shareholders to attend the company’s ordinary Annual General Meetings, to be held at 7pm on Monday, 25/03/2024, via the electronic platform to hold general meetings, which can be accessed through the website of the Muscat Clearing and Depository Company (,. If the quorum of the meeting is not completed, a second annual ordinary general meeting will be held at 3 pm on Wednesday, 27/03/2024 via the same electronic platform and personal attendance venue mentioned above, to discuss the following agenda:

1.To consider and approve the Board of Directors’ report for the financial year ended on 31/12/ 2023.
2. To consider and approve the corporate governance report for the financial year ended on 31/12/ 2023.
3. To consider and approve the Performance evaluation report of the Board of Directors for the financial year ended 31/12 2023
4. To consider the Auditors’ Report and to approve the Financial Statements Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account, for the financial year ended on 31/12/ 2023.
5. To consider and approve the proposed cash dividend to Shareholders, as per the date of the meeting, in the rate of (40 baizas for each share) for the financial year ended on 31/12/ 2023.
6. To approve sitting fees of the Board and Committee meetings paid to the Board Members for the previous financial year and to determine the sitting fees for the upcoming financial year.
7. To consider and approve the distribution of a total sum of RO 150,000 /- as remuneration for the Board of Directors for the financial year ended on 31/12/2023
8. To consider the amounts allocated and spent for the company’s social responsibilities for the year ended on 31/12/ 2023
9. To consider and approve an amount of RO 50,000 for the company’s corporate social responsibility, for the year ending on 31/12/2024.
10. To elect a new Board of Directors for the Company from amongst Shareholders or non- shareholders. Any person who wishes to be nominated to the Board of Directors of the Company is required to fill in a Director’s Nomination Form. The completed Form should be delivered to the Company by email to ( at least five (5) days prior to the date of the Annual Ordinary General Meeting of the Company (no later than the end of the business hours on Tuesday, 19/3/2024. The candidate must satisfy the company’s board membership requirements
11. The appointment of the Auditors for the Company for the financial year ending 31/12/ 2024 and to approve their fees.